Frequently Asked Questions

How can I Register? Click on the highlighted words. Instructions on  Video  or  Text .

How do I Login?  Click  for help.

How can I Book a Service?  Click  for help. Bookings must be made At least 24 hours in advance.

How to Cancel / Update a Booking?  Click  for help.

Where can I find make, model and year of my car? In the registration certificate of your car.

Where can I find the engine capacity of my car? In the registration certificate of your car.

How long does a full service take? A full service will take approx 1 - 2 hours.

How long does an intermediate service take? An intermediate service takes approx 30min - 1 hour.

How do I know my car is ready to collect? We will call you when your car is ready.

Can you collect and deliver my car? Yes

How much will my service cost?  You will be notified by email, text or phone.

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How to Register:

If you are at the login window, click on Create an Account at the bottom of the form and fill in the registration form. A validation email will be sent to the email that you have entered in the registration form. Open your email and click on the link we have sent you. That's all, you can immediately Login and book your appointment.

If you are on home page click on Login / Register and when Login page opens follow the above instructions.


How to Login:

Click on Login / Register on home page and enter the user name and password that you have used when registering.


How to book a Service:

  1. Click on 'Book a Service' button.
  2. Click on the day and time in the calendar.
  3. Under 'Make of Car' Enter the make of your car.
  4. Under 'Model' Enter the model of your car.
  5. In 'year of manufacture box' Enter year of first registration.
  6. In 'Fuel type box' Enter petrol or diesel.
  7. In 'Engine size box' Enter capacity of your car's engine.
  8. Click on 'Create' button.
  • Note: Bookings must be made at least 24 hours in advance.
  • For car collection and delivery 48 hours notice is required.


How to remove or update your booking:

Method 1:

Click on 'Book a Service' find and click on your booking in the calendar. Click on 'Delete' button to cancel a booking or modify the booking and click on 'Update' button.

Method 2:

Hover your pointer on 'Book a Service' and click on 'My Calendar' button and follow the above instructions in.